  • greek language
  • Payment Methods

    Payment Methods

    You can pay for your order by choosing the payment method that suits you:

    Payment at the headquarters of our Company

    You pay your order upon receipt of the product at the headquarters of our company 15 V. Pyrrou, Arta 47100.

    Pay on delivery

    You pay your order to the courier when it arrives at the address you have stated for receipt of the product.


    By deposit in a bank account


    Choose one of the following accounts of our company for your deposit. In order for your deposit to be located and approved, you must state in the reasoning to the beneficiary your SURNAME & THE ORDER NUMBER that you will receive after completing it (eg 22 PAPADOPOULOS). Please note that the deposit must be made within 3 working days from the date of the order.




    IBAN: GR 0301712960006296136856705


    Beneficiary: KEFALAS KYRKOS

    Credit card

    The process of clearing your payment is undertaken by PIRAEUS Bank. For the additional security of electronic transactions via credit card, you are automatically transferred to a secure server in the Paycenter service of PIRAEUS BANK where the payment is accepted with absolute security (SSL 128 bit the highest security to date) from Piraeus Paycenter. All card details, which are transferred electronically to the Paycenter service of Piraeus Bank, are not stored anywhere but are only used during its control and billing.So the transactions you makein our online store (www.kreopoleio-kefalas.gr) via credit card Paypal is completely secure.